Le Pomme de Dieux is a great article - with a poem too! Maybe it is because being a Chagall/Klimt/Miro et al nut mesen like, but I also love Magritte.

In a moment where the pelting rain stops, and reverses up into the clouds drying out the sopping earth, I find a new word: Ekphrastic. I suppose they'll tell us it's Greek, burrareckon it sounds more Yorkshire. I used caustic to strip painted furniture in my antique days (though ironically, these days feel more antiquated). I love the ekphrastic idea right up to the point where it actually means, for example, a poet improving on the Mona Lisa in verse. I had thought it would mean a poet invoking a sensation, a reaction, tantamount to that which ol' Mony or some such can call up.

So that rather underlines my preference (for me at least) to approach art without prior knowledge. And as this descends into an article I should write elsewhere, I last gaspedly point out that I like where O'Brien's eard is at. I like his wit, down to earth and yet stratospherically sharp. Funnily enough, I had a couple of art teachers who, despite my inability to sculpt, use a dog to decorate or any such, let me understand art by acknowledging and sharing it's humour. Salvador Cooper almost.

Thank you for brightening my facebook insult, insurance rebewal, tw*t of a morning.

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Thanks for your thoughts Alex. I look forward to reading the article that you will hopefully create to expand on them.

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