Oh gosh. Would've done me a world of good had a teacher given me the punishment of poetry back in the day. Might've enhanced the quality of my poetic output. We class clowns do not grow more literate or less delinquent having to write 500 repetitions of "I will no longer misbehave."

Thanks for this trip down memory lane, Mike.

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Sounds like someone's been 'reading my mail'', as the expression goes! I was numerically illiterate at School (still am), though I had no problem with English. However, I don't actually remember learning anything, when it came to punctuation and grammar as I seemed to have had a built-in understanding of it from day-one. I'm not bragging here, as I was crap at almost everything else. My worst subject was 'sport' - though that's another story.....!! Thanks Mike. Enjoyed reading this.

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Feb 22Liked by Mike O’Brien

as ever, thought provoking, Mike. Poetry sets you free, so does any open form of self-expression, eg. art, dance, acting or song. I found English the best subject at school because I intrinsically understand language in a way I don't understand mathematics and numbers. They were a different language to me, but myths, stories and poems have always been with me and I find them easy to learn.

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