I would be shocked if I were the only person to empathise with Mike and his article, excepting my utter lack of organising in any way shape or form. Firstly (uhoh) I should commend the verse. Economic, descriptive, a journey (or story as we used to say) and amusing, albeit a reading snigger, the joke is as profound at the science it springs from.

Second, what a pleasure it is to press 'enter' and get a new paragraph instead of my unfinished yap zipping off into the ether. Recent (and wonerdully ironic) discussion on line about publishing on line seems to be gathering around certain consensi? consensusses? relating to futility and nuisance, perhaps. Let me be clear on this. If I get a few likes or even a comment on line, it's a little buzz. We are addicted to that, no matter how we rationalise our output. Should we get something published by an editor in the big bad world, it's a gold star with a firework attached.

But when I read E.G. poetic journals who introduce people who've had this and that in what the ? is that magazine, has two recommendations from Duck Appreciation Society and other celebrity qualification, I glaze over like a cheap tart. Unlike for example, when I read something by someone I know, whom I've heard, who actually gets to me because they get life. They are not, for example, trying to get me to, know about some horror which I probably did and gave to the appeal at the time, or know that there's nothing I can do about and 'we can't ignore' - or simply drags me through some personal shit you wouldn't even unload to a stranger on a bus. No. They are amusing me with earnest stories not set on some pedestal of righteousness, but experiencial perhaps.

And before you know it, my response has become an narticle. Perhaps a 'well done, witty, clever and entertaining - I wish I'd said that' would do. But like a friend who says "Why tell someone with an email when fifty will do?" I cannot but chime in with agreement. Such an easy style to read too. A refreshing change from all the 'how to' advice, the pay for my assessment types, and the too too many ruddy poets for the mind to cope all thinking their miniscule recognition will open the planet to their supremacy.... How to loose firends and unimpress people:)

Look forwards to the next one

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You are a gent Alex!

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May 26Liked by Mike O’Brien

‘Glaze over like a cheap tart.’ Superb!

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It’s context, really - but one aims to please:) - and can you help it, backchatting at O’Brien???? Ta

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Mike O’Brien

I'm always impressed by the ability of yourself and your fellow poets to produce really quality poetry from a myriad of different perspectives and experiences. I don't think I've even thought about the practicalities of getting poems published etc and can see it can be exciting and equally disheartening.

I look forward to getting the substack poetry ,mainly from yourself and Alex Oliver and others you promote. They can cause different emotions and provoke me to consider subjects I hadn't thought about for years or at all and allows me to interaction within a safe environment and frees my dormant imaginings which is rather liberating to be honest and is much appreciated

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That's lovely, Anjie, just the sort of response that keeps me going, and is not generally forthcoming from literary magazines.

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gasp, my question below was misplaced by t internet. I think you just made our week/month Anjie. It really helps to know what people think and how they react. I feel like I just got an award (even if I have to share…. with Mike:). It’s particularly good that we can post in that same atmosphere, even if our subject matter is well, controversial? If I may I’d like to quote you as it may help us reach audiences and help other readers feel at ease. thank you

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There is another one being published this Mike, but ssshhhh....

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This year

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We are creating a literary ecosystem with our bare hands!

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Thank you all the likes. It's good to know I'm not hacking anyone off, but there's plenty of time:)

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May 27·edited May 27

I'd be honoured if you wish to quote me

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psst: what are you two on about?

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ahh - your misplaced question - we were on about the Fig Tree and the Odd Poems and your Substack too, and the Starbeck Orion, too, how we are like the Read to Write colonies of Substack, building a community - a poetic ecosystem, with our bare hands. (Well that was what i was on about anyway) It sounded profound before I explained it.

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I’d begun an article about what’s the point of mags that don’t serve us, like poetry review which has a fine conversation but what stands as poems??? ask Tim;). then i got muggled as i thought i’d been a bit terse. terse my arse as we commoners say

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