Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Mike O’Brien

Excellent poem, Tupac would be proud

Its unfortunate that BJ probably wanted to remembered as a modern day Pericles and not as a pillock. Having been involved in local politics from my teenage years I have learnt that ,as in life, there are 2 kinds of people who go into politics, those who want to serve and those who wish to be served.These characteristics apply to individuals regardless of which party they represent ,believe me.

Even those with good intentions can go over to the dark side with promises of travel expenses, chairs of scrutiny, with renumeration etc, you get the picture.

I fortunately escaped with most of my mental health intact but politics isn't for the fainthearted, which is why I find the system outdated, immature and not fit for purpose.

I gave up hope when Brexit happened, expecting the outcome from the off.As regards the pandemic ,having nursed in hospital all the way through, to be fair noone knew ,at first what was going to happen and you had egos in government, egos with the health advisors and WHO, who have, I think been desperate for a pandemic to be able to exert their unelected muscle❤️

Incidently the only song I've ever written was one aimed at Nigel farage, ie 'He wants to exit with Brexit'. Its not very good though

I think the lying happens because noone in politics wants to admit they are wrong or because they are lying to cover up something else that they are too embarrassed to having to admit to doing, eg misuse of public monies etc

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I started by writing an article almost wholly about lying, but it wasn’t heading in the direction of the poem (which I had totally forgotten was called egomaniac) so I had to start again. But embarrassment and shame are very powerful forces which cause a lot of untruths to be told. With politics though, manipulation plays a bigger role. The buggers!

I won’t pressure you to reveal your song, but it sounds fun. Fingers crossed that Farage gets sent home with his tail between his legs again. I dread to think about the prospect of him joining the rump of a Tory party.

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I don't know where to start and I guess no-one cares; but the subject of intelligence is perhaps the fulcrum on which a great deal of decision making is skewed. To be blunt, many 'sudden' experts comment on matters using what they know to pontificate about matters, which is insufficient to make a rational point. And this includes people from all walks of life, in all fields from religion to science. The mistakes made over cultural expectations, presumptions about race and class, and indeed having any freaking idea about a given matter are beyond credulity.

I could and maybe should stick an oar in the departure from the European Union issue (let's not use snappy nick-names for things, the tabloids coin enough terminological inexactitude to blow your cigar off your face). Anyone here old enough to remember Edward Heath? Got the ball rolling on pit and steelwork closures, sailed a yacht, dragged everyone into the common market or whatever snazzy euphamism they had for it then when everyone knew it meant cheaper steel and coal from abroad and sailed a yacht. That's good for economy innit? Depends on your preferred style of capitalist enterprise. I for one detest 'global' markets, because they energise sweat/child labour, poluution, underpaid workers all over the world, put inferior goods in where once we were proud of quality and make local traders either cowtow or go bust. Not that my command of economics or politics is too fine, but I detest liars and as Anje says, there's two types of politicians.

It dribbles down like a stream of filth and pox into local council behaviours. The wasted mornings faffing about with curled up sandwiches and taxis when we are meant to be debating the under-priveledged of this parish. At least I stuck one in their eye by getting funding from the then ALMO at Sheffield for a well-being (trendy phrase) community music venture that the arts council wouldn't touch (it's community) and the Community funders hove away as an arts programme. Lieing fuckers - there, I swore because their avoidance of responsibilty enrages me.

As to 'im poet, he echoes some of Bob Marley's sentiments in a way. Although Bob had some answers. But every generation throws a hero up the pop chart (Paul Simon) and previous to that too, the same old truths get chugged out, quite incapable of enlightening the less intelligent brigade - who make up most majorities. Hence a lot of incredibly stupid things/people get voted in, and minorities (who also have large thick populations) often revolt in unconstructive ways - and why, among other things, democracy is a joke.

By which I mean that voting doesn't work towards the common good, it just pleases the majorities - who follow flat-earth Farragians/Johnsons/Trumps regardless of logic or lack thereof. How is that democratic?

No-one can see that lateral thinking though. It's like speed cameras - they prove ad infinitum that cars and even drivers are safer at greater speeds than they fine people for. OK, I get the argument about child impact but A: not all accidents are caused by speed B: Nor do they all involve pedestrians. We digress, just forget the fuming for a moment and think about lateral stances. Take Hillsborough bus Gate - extended hours (different to the website) and half the time there's no 'other road user' preventing the progress of any public service vehicle. Go look at fine revenues and tell me your arse isn't sore (I've taken on an O'brien-esque tone, eh?).

This is only meant to be a comment though and I've surpassed credulity and politeness really - in trying to retrieve some. Let's cut it down to this; neither The Common Market nor Leaving The EU were bad ideas - they were just executed by liars. There, I could have just said that but would it have weighed in so sensibly?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

I love the character of your replies Alex, there’s always a load of stuff to think about and always some memorable lines worthy of articles or poems in their own right.

Ted Heath! Everyone could do a great impression of him thanks to Mike Yarwood. I preferred the one who had a big band and used to battle Edmundo Ros with it. Great albums, multiculturalism in practice.

I suppose democracy will never be perfect, but the alternatives don’t seem too appealing, so maybe we have to muddle along with it as best we can and hope for the best.

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Thanks for liking Mike - PS, when I mention 'im poet I refer not to your caucasian self but but the bloke you wrote about:)

I relish your articles as they fire my thinky bits, aware as I am of the irnony in this case regarding folk not in posession of all the facts making grand speeches...

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Some fine ammunition for the prosecution lawyers on defamation of character, I can just imagine you defending yourself in court proving that Boris IS a twat. I had similar feelings when writing Eric Pickles is a Slug. He's probably never even eaten lettuce.

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