Aug 1Liked by Mike O’Brien

With 'Magnum' you really captured the simple but immensely satisfying experience of eating a Magnum.

Your preamble was as enjoyable as ever and made me recall having raspberry ripple and wafer biscuit ice cream sandwiches on Bridlington beach and them usually having the ,unintended,taste of sand grains,or maybe that was just me

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I’d forgotten about those wafers! You used to get them at ice cream vans or you could buy a packet of them for home consumption. The grains of sand were a mild annoyance, but even they evoke a nostalgic feeling now.

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Jul 29Liked by Mike O’Brien

An insightful article Mike, on finding your flow, finding something to enjoy, and something that doesn't require loads of equipment or difficult journeys, or the need to fit into a very prescribed way of enjoying your interest. Finding the flow is the thing, and seeing where that flow takes you. Sustaining it is the harder task!

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Jul 29·edited Aug 1Author

It is indeed Glenn - but with the help and encouragement of good people such as yourself - I might just be able to keep it up a little longer. The group of folk who we spent time with at Wentworth the other week was as specialised as any group I have ever found ensconced in a bird watching hide, and much better company!

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What you are doing is splendid, giving voice to local poets. And Spread The Word is more than anything the reason I am still writing (even if I don't always like the output from the sessions!). Next month we are due to be on the canal in Swinton, before heading back indoors in September. The group has dates fixed until the end of this year.

P.S. I tried bird watching, and yes, it is rather ticklish.

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I get and concur with this in its entirety. Met some nice twitchidea in Brazil who were stupid rich but cared not a jot about gearupmanship. mindst thee we mostly watched camen n jagwarz.

on chimp watching, best gear is to dress as they might and sit attenboroughesque in a shopping mall.

On the passage of time and waste (ahem); I stopped reading poetry as I left school. I read only fact the rest of my life and any trivial pursuit seemed… wel… I still scorn pleasure though not bitterly. I find validity in meaningful literature; but excluding those who lecture the reader. like soc med knowitalls harp on about what is isn’t gay, fat , vegetarian, left hand bicycle…

great poem n article ta

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Couldn’t stop thinking about milk which I do not drink!! Baby food for baby cows. All animals but humans wean their babies off milk n onto proper food but not us perverse creatures who wean ours of our own milk then eat the animal argh!! Magnum do vegan magnum equally delicious. Yippee I feel a poem coming on lol

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I have enjoyed a vegan magnum with my daughter, Rosie who is a vegan. I'm nowhere near a vegan, but if they keep on making very delicious vegan products, you never know...

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