Incandescent - from the smell of record player, through stuff about punkists whom my mindset was on 'hate' but now softened through understanding. Understanding more than before that we each have our heros - messengers of god really; as I discovered when Hendrix/Cream/Zep offered similar commentary to mum n dad - who only wanted what's best.

In my churlish mist I had forgotten how much I sort of liked bits of Bowie/Iggy - from the perspective of olderness. Yet it turns out, they are often my own age. I know I was a jealous wannabe who never soared near the sun - to have departed the grinding grip of the freaking pavement for a flash would have been illumination enough. But I ground on, band to band, solo to solo, rediscovering the same old me who isn't that great a guitarist or performer - and in my too late ancientness realise my place in the stratum. Even celebrate it, which to my delight, seems to have created or rather unearthed an acceptable persona - the one the priest held under the font.

Why do I write articles instead of saying "oo, it were smart"? PS, Bowser missed a trick not having himself crucified - John Lennon would have been outraged; "yer basted. why didn't I think of that?"

Alex over and out

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Thanks Mike, I really appreciate your feedback on this.I hadn't seen the comment til today as I have been really busy so I'm catching up a bit

Am not sure about Judas,maybe he did it justfor the money or maybe he thought Jesus was moving on,spending too much time with Mary Magdalen [ala Yoko ]and he was 'gonna break up the band '❤️,

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I've read this already 2 or three times. It sort of speaks for many people who loved Bowie and his music. I became a fan after listening to 'The laughing Gnome on Ed Stewart radio show and 'Ave you gotta' light boy'still causes me to chuckle.

I think I liked his ability to make you feel included in his gang when he performed . A prime example being his iconic [in my mind] appearance on Top of the Pops when ,during Starman he turns , looking directly at the camera singing the line

'I had to phone someone so I picked on you' interspersed with a slightly Alvin Stardustic hand jesters. This had a profound effect on me and apparently on a lot of others who became fans

I did muse, however, that if we went back to 1st Century Galilee that Jesus no doubt had the same charismatic charm as Dave and the disciples experienced the same feelings when he said 'I had to call on someone so I picked on you, Peter, James', etcetera

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I love the thought that has gone into this reply. I love (and understand exactly) the image of Bowie delivering “slightly Alvin Stardistc hand gestures” while looking directly at you through the television screen. That’s connection - that’s the power he had.

And that last paragraph. Where you have Jesus doing the same thing. I can see his fingers curling and the disciples having no choice but to follow. Wow. I want to add that (with credit to you of course) to the article when this thing becomes a printed volume.

I wonder what happened to Judas? Did he have his head turned by mainstream pop? Did he sell the Wide Eyed Boy from Freecloud down the river, whilst temporarily blown away by the cheap garishness and vacuous lyrical appeal of Gary Gliitter and then hang himself in shame when the allegations came out?

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