I do feel that Yorkshire and other inferior principalities might get tired and tarred by the same brush. But there, I am an ignoramus who doesn't even need to try to sidestep popular themes; they insitinctively exclude me. I like the concept of people crushed and warming future generations, though I share the concern that there probably isn't a human future that far ahead. Maybe we should cadge a lift on the comet as it comes by (Oct 12 - 20thish) that hasn't been by since neanderthal times. How astorlabes know that is questionable, but if we survived on it long enough, we could have a neb at the old place and see 'wtf' happens to it come next circumnavigation, like. Oh, I mean thought-provoking...
The idea of this poem being read as part of the review process for that anthology has cheered me up and brought me out of the trough of despair I was in following my rejection.
I do feel that Yorkshire and other inferior principalities might get tired and tarred by the same brush. But there, I am an ignoramus who doesn't even need to try to sidestep popular themes; they insitinctively exclude me. I like the concept of people crushed and warming future generations, though I share the concern that there probably isn't a human future that far ahead. Maybe we should cadge a lift on the comet as it comes by (Oct 12 - 20thish) that hasn't been by since neanderthal times. How astorlabes know that is questionable, but if we survived on it long enough, we could have a neb at the old place and see 'wtf' happens to it come next circumnavigation, like. Oh, I mean thought-provoking...
The idea of this poem being read as part of the review process for that anthology has cheered me up and brought me out of the trough of despair I was in following my rejection.
Glad to be of service Tim! :)